Information for Independence Contributors


Unsolicited manuscripts and article suggestions are welcome, although intending contributors are advised to first contact the Editor to discuss their proposal.

  • Articles are best sent to the Editor by email. Ideally, articles will be attached to the email as a Word or other text document that can be readily edited.
  • While charts and graphs can be included in the text file, data for charts or graphs should be sent in a separate Excel file, to help the designer re-format charts and graphs to house style.
  • Photographs and other illustrative material should be sent as separate high-resolution jpeg or other picture files. (They should not be embedded within Word documents).
  • Photographs that include school students should have the necessary parental permissions. (Unless specifically requested, Independence does not publish the names of staff or students in illustrative photographs.)


Author Agreement


It is assumed that contributors agree to AHISA’s terms of publication:

1. In consideration of publication in Independence, the author/authors grant to the Association of Heads of Independent Schools of Australia Limited (AHISA) a world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, transferable and perpetual license to publish, reproduce, distribute, transmit, display, store and otherwise use the text published under his/her/their name and any associated illustrative material, including images, data, video and/or audio files (the ‘Work’), as published in Independence, and agree/s to permit/sublicense others to do any or all of the foregoing as well.

[NOTE: This allows AHISA to grant permission for Independence to be included in the Informit databases.]

2. In consideration of publication of the Work in Independence, the author/s waive the right to collect royalties on that Work, as it appears in Independence, under any compulsory or voluntary license scheme.

3. AHISA recognises that the author/s retain ownership of the copyright of the Work, subject to the license granted to AHISA in paragraphs 1 and 2.

[NOTE: Authors are free to publish elsewhere. This agreement relates only to the Work as it is published in Independence. We request, however, that if the version of the Work that is re-published is the same as that appearing in Independence then due acknowledgement is made.]