Education Council

14 March 2019

NAPLAN Reporting Review

AHISA’s submission draws on the results of an online survey of members to address the four key themes of the review:

1) Perceptions of NAPLAN and My School data, including the potential for misinterpretation or misuse of data
2) How My School and NAPLAN reporting contribute to understanding of student progress and achievement
3) How schools use achievement data, including NAPLAN, to inform teaching
4) How My School and NAPLAN data are reported to students and parents.

Reflecting the diversity of the independent sector, the survey results reveal a wide spread of opinion among Heads and practices in schools. There is, however, a high level of agreement among Heads on three propositions:

1) That the lag time between NAPLAN testing and receipt of test data undermines the usefulness of the data for teaching and learning
2) That the determination of ‘statistically similar schools’ does not support fair comparisons for schools
3) That comparison of NAPLAN online data with data from paper-based tests is an issue needing consideration.

Submission to the NAPLAN Reporting Review