Productivity Commission

5 February 2024

Response to Future foundations for giving: Draft Report

In this submission, AHISA has expressed its marked reservations about the efficacy of excluding school building finds from eligibility for Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status. This is argued on the grounds that removing DGR status will lead to greater demands for government to provide more direct capital support to schools facing enrolment pressures. This shift will also likely inflate school fees. 

AHISA appreciates the opportunity to describe the diversity of the independent school sector to counter the common portrayal that independent schools are unambiguously wealthy and exclusive.

AHISA’s submission offers some reflections on the connections between the Commission’s significant interest in school reform and its inquiry into philanthropy. Our submission cites the Australian Values Education Program (2003-2010) as an example of how such connections between education and philanthropy could be delivered in education policies that privilege values pedagogy and student wellbeing as necessary preconditions of academic diligence and student achievement.

Future foundations for giving: Draft Report  – FULL SUBMISSION