House of Representatives Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training

21 July 2023

Inquiry into the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in Australia's education system

The main section of AHISA’s submission presents insights gained from an AHISA member survey on the use of generative AI in independent schools. The survey aimed to collect information about what has been learned so far from schools’ experimentation with generative AI tools and to canvass school leaders’ attitudes to and opinions on generative AI in education.

While the findings of AHISA’s member survey form the bulk of the submission (Section 1), AHISA also suggests steps the Australian Government might take to support Australia’s school system adapt to what is predicted to be a highly disruptive technology. We propose that Australia’s National Education Architecture stands as a key means to enable Australia’s education system to harvest potential teacher productivity and student learning gains from generative AI while meeting equity goals (Section 2). We further advocate that Australian governments adopt measures to accelerate teachers’ acquisition of skills in the use of generative AI tools to reduce their workload and support student learning (Section 3).

Inquiry into the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in Australia's education system - SUBMISSION

The use of generative AI in Australian independent schools  
AHISA Member Survey Report